Sunday, 18 October 2009

Little big day out

Before we went to Sydney for Thomas, Jack and I went to the Little Big Day Out in Wagga. It's an event the council puts on every year and the library, museum, art gallery, theatre and lots of council departments take part. There were balloons, fire engines, balloons, stalls, balloons, music, balloons, races, balloons, games, balloons, colouring in, balloons and a disco. Did I mention there were balloons? Jack tried to get as many as he could handle and then got me to carry them. He had a flavoured milk and a cupcake and then tried out the spooky disco at the library. He loved the bats and spiders but loved the skittles most of all. He did become disturbed when a baby drooled on one of the skittles but he soon got over it. Outside once more he played with the Lego at the toy library stand till it was time to pack up. Official tally: 1 cupcake, 1 chocolate milk, 1 boogie and three balloons.

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