And so to the last playgroup Christmas Party! I knew this one would be different to the Wednesday one. For a start I had a feeling there wouldn't be much fruit on offer. I was told not to go to too much trouble and a plate of fairy bread would do very nicely thank you. So I cut them into the shape of Xmas trees and stars. I made up little bags of reindeer food made with oats and edible sparkly sprinkles that had a matching poem that goes like this :
Sprinkle on the lawn at night
The moon will make it sparkle bright
Santa's reindeer fly and roam
This will guide them to your home.
I got some funny looks from some people but never mind. Easier to clean up than munched up bits of carrots (what my parents used to do - very impressive) or what one playgroup mum was going to do - make prints in the dirt with horseshoes. Am interested to see how that turned out as I supplied the horseshoes. And Jack and I dressed accordingly. I wore one red thong and one green thong and Jack did the same colour combo with his socks. Nice. We didn't want to go overboard.
And I was right about the food. There were cupcakes, butterfly cakes, rolly cakes, chocolate cakes, lollies, cheezels and chips and fairy bread which started to look the worse for wear quite quickly after I noticed that Jack was taking a piece and sucking a corner then putting it back. Ugh.
There were lots of blow ins, johnny -come-latelys and freddie's and people who had never been to playgroup. I got a running commentary on them all from Barb (including who was pregnant but hadn't told anyone) but as I was concentrating on funnelling oats into bags I didn't take it all in. One mum arrived on crutches but still managed to bring her mini frankfurts. They even had a special container to keep them at just the right temperature. They were the culinary hit of the day, though Jack wasn't keen.
Santa arrived at eleven and I thought he looked familiar. Apparently there's one man in Junee who does all the Santa gigs. He even has his own suit. He does a good job and most of the kids seem pretty relaxed with him. Even Jack.

Though some were still not sure.

After Santa had given out the presents and the reindeer food most of the kids went outside for a play as it was getting pretty feral inside. I got a ball from the car, when the original ball was monopolised by one little boy. He's a funny kid, a few weeks back I overheard him say,
" Can you read? I can read and I eat all my vegetables."
I hope Santa heard that. Straight onto the nice list. On the day of the party he didn't want to share the ball and kept on running away with it. His mother grabbed him by the arm as he ran past yet again with the ball. He yelled out, "that hurts Mummy (she dropped his arm like she'd been scalded) You always hurt me Mummy!" She looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her and I think he got bumped back onto the naughty list. It probably didn't help matters that I laughed.

The second ball helped but Jack just wanted to climb up and down a set of stairs. Over and over and over again. With me.

The original stairmaster...no need to visit the gym that day, except for all the fairy bread and cupcakes I ate.