Sunday, 20 March 2011


For Jack's party we decided to keep things simple. Barbecue, cake and party games. For some reason I kept thinking about the doughnut game where you tie doughnuts to a clothesline and kids have to try to eat them - without using their hands. There was a whole lot of cheating going on but it was very funny.

We also did pass the parcel with the most enormous parcel (every child gets a prize, though not always the right prize)

and pin the badge on the puppy (ow!)

and a hilarious game where the kids had to let go of blown up balloons and try to get them in a bucket. much harder than you think except for Jack who held onto his balloon as it deflated then dropped it in the bucket!

teddy racers!

It was a pretty successful party even with the birthday boy getting a touch tired and emotional and putting himself to bed at one stage. He also had a teary when someone beat him to the punch blowing out his candles. We relit the candles for take 2 and everyone was happy.

take 1


take 2 - success

opening presents - so many presents!

Jack's new preschool friends Torah and Tyler

1 comment:

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Happy Birthday Jack! The Tiny Teddy racers are so clever! And I have the best memories of playing that donuts on strings game. In fact we did it a couple of years ago. I'm hopeless but hungry at it! :P