Monday, 6 April 2009


We had our second book group meeting last week. I think we're improving because we managed to talk about the book (The Kite Runner) for at least 30 minutes before we were distracted. I took along some pumpkin hummus and dolmades and I also made some baklava for the first time. I promised myself I would take a photo for the blog as I polished off all the wonky side pieces that were not fit for public scrutiny. I finished the last piece yesterday and then suddenly realised that I hadn't taken a photo. You'll have to take my word for it that it was good: flaky, nutty, buttery and sweet, though not too sweet because it had some lemon juice and zest in it.


Amy said...

I don't have to take your word for it because you gave me some! It was DELICIOUS (all donations of delicious morsels are welcome, particularly at work).

jetlagmama@themanor said...

glad you liked it! It looked a bit sad all wrapped in plastic on your keyboard. It's all gone now and I want more but it really is a sometimes food.