Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
The gee -gees
Last Tuesday was Melbourne Cup Day, so of course I wore a hat to work. Actually I so enjoy wearing them that I took spares for co-workers to wear too. Amy wore this fab pink number that Jack rather likes to wear when he's dancing. This became obvious when as I handed it to Amy I noticed some peanut butter smears along the rim. She wore it nevertheless and looked smashing or as one library patron exclaimed, "Gorgeous!"
When it came time for the race we gathered around the telly and I handed out my spares. Jen wore a tiara (nice), Helen wore the cowboy hat and Brian wore the Pirate hat.
Then after three and a bit minutes the race finished and some of us took off our hats and we all went back to work.
I must say people may be a tad worried because that was my third day back at the library and out of those days I'd worn some sort of headgear on two. Well, you have to wear a hat on Melbourne Cup Day and as for Halloween, I went low key and wore cat ears and handed out chocolate eyeballs. Delicious.
I must say people may be a tad worried because that was my third day back at the library and out of those days I'd worn some sort of headgear on two. Well, you have to wear a hat on Melbourne Cup Day and as for Halloween, I went low key and wore cat ears and handed out chocolate eyeballs. Delicious.
Another Birthday

We got her invite and I arranged a babysitter (thanks Diane) and S and I togged up and went out. And it was great. I got a few photos after the speeches and before the cake and in between two renditions of happy birthday, one for Louise and the other for her Dad who is ninety. I also made her this as a present which she thought was hilarious.

Pillar Party
After the stories there were glorious platters of fresh fruit (not the naughty foods that also feature in the book) and games but the play equipment (particularly the swing) beckoned.

Thursday, 5 November 2009
Reunion Mosman High 1989 (yes, twenty years ago)

My reunion is looming - just over a week away and I have mixed feelings about going. It will be nice to catch up with some people but...
My curiosity is just too great to stay away.
I had a bit of a preview in October when I caught up with a schoolfriend Nick and his lovely wife Katherine in Sydney. They live in England so Nick (aka Sooty) won't be coming but I will be his eyes and ears. I forgot to take a photo of Nick for the blog (too busy talking) so I've got one from our year 12 formal.

In the vain hope that in the next few days those people may google themselves and say,"Reunion! fantastic!" I'm putting their names on here with an email address to get in contact with the reunion organisers at mosmanhigh89@hotmail.com
Michaela Bennett, Karl brennan, Yvonne Chan, Jeffrey Dalton, Tim Duguid (aka Lantern?), Lindy Edwards, David Fletcher, Amanda Goode, Melissa Hall, Michelle Hampton, Tim Haughan, Cathrynne Henshall, Shelley Hill, Anthony Ho, Samantha Ingle, Rachel Kalcher, Lee Kerr, Elias Khedi, Raymond Mulcahy, Jason Murphy, Craig Miles, Sara Norris, Campbell Patterson, Ian Phillips, Mandeep Rana, Anthony Saunders, Michael Shitab, Lisa Sniderman, Mike Serio, Paul Sorensen, David Stein, Karyn Stockley, dave Thornett, Simona Thornett, Bernard Webber, Ben Wong, Hyun-Jung Yi and Julian Young.
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