Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Bread Love

My love for bread is undiminished. I was stuck in a rut for a while. Quite a pleasant one where I baked white, grainy or rye sourdough. Recently though I've branched out with the most successful being pumpkin. What a colour! Carrot is tricky but sweet potato has been ok. I even gave my baker a loaf to try. Only a crazy woman does that.I should have called this entry breadporn ;-)


Jack got a long overdue haircut at the newish hipster barbers in town called Paper Street. It's pretty cool (though disappointingly no one was sporting an ironic bun). Jack got the excecutive contour which makes him look soooo grown up. Sam, well he's still waiting for his new do. Curly or curly (or mr curly)?

Swimming lessons

Jack's lessons were in Coolamon this year which was lovely for a change. If only Ajanta cafe was open all week.


Yes I know Christmas seems like an awfully long time ago but I still thought I'd share some picks. Jack's already written his santa letter. He was worried he go his letter in too late which explained why his santa sack was not quite as chockers as Scarlett's.How did I not get any photos of Jack and Scarlett together?

A long break between drinks!

Goodness! It's been awhile. We've been tres busy what with the Nelsonmas Festivus and that whole January thing.Clearly no one in this house has even contemplated giving up sugar.
Sam loves to bake, or is that just licking the spoon?