Monday 13 May 2013

When life gives you limes

My mother in law has a lime tree that can only be described as an overachiever. The happy result of this is that I receive buckets full of limes. When I found out that I was going to Lorraine's launch I wanted to take a gift (it's a country thing to never turn up empty handed). I would have loved to take something kitschy like a tyre swan but it was too large for the overhead locker. Instead I took some limes and eggs from my girls and made lime butter.
What to do with the surplus? Today I made adult butterfly cakes to take to book group. Not x-rated, just quite grown up with the lime butter and cream.


sonya said...

Yay you're back! The cakes look great, I am a sucker for a butterfly cake. I think I requested them from ages 6-10 for my birthday cake :)

jetlagmama@themanor said...

back but for how long! Interweb access difficulties!