Wednesday 10 August 2011

Sydney fun

About a month ago we visited Sydney. Jack and I went early by plane (Jack was v. excited and even loved the turbulence) and S followed later. The highlight of our trip was a visit to the zoo by Scarlett, Jack, Mum and myself.

After some transport hiccups (the special free mosman whale bus broke down) we finally got to the zoo and Jack and Scarlett were champing at the bit to get going. Scarlett wanted to see the seals but patiently visited the snakes, giraffes, bears, tigers and lions and elephants and the bird show before we finally got to see the seals.

I was worried that the bird show would be a bit lame. My Mum was very keen to see it so we did and it turned out to be amazing. Jack loved the birds swooping down over us to the stage, including an enormous condor with a wingspan of approx 3 metres.

He also liked the bit where he had to hide his morning tea behind his back so the buzzard wouldn't try to take it. Everyone got along very well with any disagreements avoided by Jack and Scarlett having their own maps.
After the seals we made our way to the skyride to take us to the top gate and onto home. We didn't get to see the meerkats because they had 'gone on holidays'. Whoops. Bad parent!
Jack and Scarlett however were reconciled by the purchase of a new meerkat each. Thanks Ganma.

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