noticed recently a rather fab Sydney restaurant had Junee lamb on the menu. We've got some in the freezer courtesy of S's family. Andrew did the honours. Wish he'd taken the foot off before he brought it over.
I can't report on how it tastes yet as it's in the freezer but I'm hoping to slow roast it some day soon. No word from Barry the builder who we gave the leg to, maybe we'll hear when he comes back to install the kitchen cupboards.
Not long after that Jack and I went to the ABC Knit in at Wagga Library. It was bigger than Ben Hur with a crochet hook. The Knit in produces squares and eventually wraps for a charity named
wrappedwithlove. Knitters nattered, a brass band from the Kapooka army base was playing, people from the local ABC, Sheep, dogs, a shearer and lots of school kids were all there. Apparently a class from one school was invited and they sent the whole school.
Jack fed the sheep (very brave) then watched the sheep being shorn before heading inside for a lamington (or as Jack calls them Lappingtons). And then another. I was afraid he would consume all the fuel for the knitters so we beat a hasty retreat.